HybridRMSTM is NETCB's flagship solution for standards-based Records Management. It conforms to the ISO-16175 Minimum Requirements for Records Management Systems.
NETCB’s Hybrid Electronic Document and Records Management Solution for Municipalities provides any South African-based Local Authority with a Records Management solution specifically designed and developed around the requirements as specified by The National Archives and Records Service of South Africa and as institutionalised by the National Archives and Records Service of South Africa Act (Act. 43 of 1996).
The National Archives and Records Service of South Africa (NARSSA) requirements for Electronic Records Management functionality as stated in the National Archives Advisory Pamphlet No 2. Electronic records and the law: What Government bodies need to know, follows:
The primary standard for creating and managing electronic records in office environments which is endorsed by the National Archives and Records Service is SANS (ISO) 16175-2:2014 Ed. 1.00: Information and documentation - Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office environments -- Part 2: Guidelines and functional requirements for digital records management systems. The standard relates to the structured records systems such as those in which records are managed according to a file plan.
Any product that complies or benchmarks or shows the functionality as required in SANS (ISO) 16175-2:2014 or the European Commission’s Model Requirements for the Management of Electronic Records (MoReq2010) or the Design Criteria Standard for Electronic Records Management Software Applications (US DoD 5015.2), would ensure that an electronic records management application has the generic records management functionality required by the National Archives and Records Service.
Key Benefits of NETCB’s HybridRMSTM Records Management System
- The system provides management of not only Electronic Records but also of the paper-based Record Archives of an organisation – hence being called a Hybrid system.
- It provides a visual representation of an organisation’s File Plan.
- The transition of current Registry Staff at organisations to adopt an electronic filing system is easily accomplished as the terminology such as Main Series, Sub-series, Records File, etc are maintained.
- The system includes full document management capabilities, including version control and access control.
- The system also provides for Desktop synchronisation of documents, including sharing of documents and records, similar to “DropBox”.
It is powered by OpenText Vibe or Kablink as the development platform.